Message from Dr Amit Kalyanji Saiya
a pioneer in the field of Energy Medicine
Dear Facebook friend,
If you feel that you or any one in your family or circle of friends, acquaintances are in ill health or feel unwellness or you have a question to be answered about the same, as a start get in touch with me and send me a short email or send me a message on whats app with name, city and query / illness or unwellness about what you or family, friends or acquaintances are experiencing without any obligation from your side.
I will get back to you at my earliest informing you whether the foundation can suggest / advise with regards to the illness or unwellness .If the response from me is positive you could start a conversation or correspondence with me.
This will be your first step towards good health and wellness for you , family friends or acquaintances.
Click here to know more about the harmonie therapy offered by the foundation
Wishing you a life of greater fulfillment and purpose.
Dr Amit Kalyanji Saiya
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- or send me a message on whatsapp | +917299559450
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