Substance dependence
removal therapy
Substance dependence is typically, a compulsive addictive chronic disorder with detrimental long lasting negative consequences.
Substance dependence removal therapy is intended to help individuals addicted to tobacco, smoking, drinking, pan masala, pan parag , zarda, rajniganda, vimal, mdm etc stop compulsive substance seeking and use. (Click here to read more on the effects of chewing pan masala)
Energy Medicine Research Foundation offers the " Substance dependence removal therapy "
The treatment is a one time therapy session wherein the Client's dependence is removed completely. The foundation supports and monitors the client for the next 28 days should withdrawal symptoms / slip / relapse occur which may require intervention.
Withdrawal is the body's reaction to abstaining from a substance upon which a person has developed a dependence syndrome. When dependence has developed, cessation of substance use produces an unpleasant state.The withdrawal state may include physical-somatic symptoms (physical dependence), emotional-motivational symptoms (psychological dependence), or both.
A slip is a one-time mistake that’s quickly corrected. A relapse is going back to using the substance.
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