The only thing that does not change is change, . No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.
The moment we step into a river, the water is displaced with new water and the nature of the river is changed permanently. The man stepping in the river is also consistently changing. The man loses skin cells, his skin is made wet by the river, and he has aged every so slightly since stepping in the river.

Small, unavoidable changes in both the man and the river make them different from the way they were before. - thus all things are changing, and that the one fundamental law of the cosmos is that everything is flux.Our experiences and our decisions per se every second change the direction of our lives and in its turn this irreversibly changes us.
When we fully comprehend this statement, it reinforces the meaning of our present and the immense value of who we are today, as well as the very profound significance of seizing today.
We might have dreams and wishes which direct the roads we choose to travel on in life. They fuel our hopes for the future. We also have our memories of the journeys completed.
Yet nothing is more mysteriously attractive or fascinating and of importance, nothing is more tangible and real than
- " our present and who we are today. "